Preparing For A Tooth Extraction

Pulling out teeth is a sensitive yet sometimes necessary procedure for most individuals. But how do you prepare for a tooth extraction?

Getting Ready For The Procedure

The night before a tooth extraction procedure can be anxiety-inducing for some people. It is highly recommended that you get a total of eight hours of rest to be fully alert and aware of the procedure.

Continue to take your prescribed medications unless a conversation happens between you and your dentist the day before. The next best thing to remember before a tooth extraction procedure is to eat a full meal.

If you have diabetes and get a tooth pulled, keep up with your insulin as usual.

What To Expect From A Tooth Extraction Procedure

The day of your appointment to pull out your tooth will be like any typical day. You will come into the dental office, sign in, and then proceed to wait until your name is called.

Once the procedure has commenced, you can expect to feel much pressure and hear a ton of noise. if you are feeling pain during the procedure, notify the Dentist. They can provide more anesthetic to keep the process pain-free.

Although you will sense and feel pressure, you should not feel any pain while extracting the tooth. Generally, most tooth extractions take anywhere from thirty to forty-five minutes.

From here on is the healing process, which won’t take as long as you think. Let the area heal and if you have any complications, contact your dentist immediately.

Learn More

If you’re interested in finding out more information on tooth extractions and their process, visit our website today for more details.