Seasonal Allergies And How It Can Affect Your Oral Health

With winter here and spring a few months away, seasonal allergies can be problematic. But how do seasonal allergies affect your dental hygiene?

What Seasonal Allergies Can Do To Your Oral Health

There are several components to seasonal allergies and your oral health. One of the significant components is that your seasonal allergies can cause dry mouth. Oral health is crucial, and having a dry mouth can cause numerous dental problems if not maintained.

Saliva in our mouths helps protect against what we consume in our bodies daily, when you lack saliva due to dry mouth, your chances of getting a cavity increases.

Help keep your mouth clean and healthy by using mouthwash regularly to combat dry mouth caused by seasonal allergies. Mouthwash can also aid in getting rid of unwanted bacteria in your mouth that could develop as a direct result of dry mouth.

Learn More About Dry Mouth and Oral Health

Visit our website today for more information on how seasonal allergies can affect your oral hygiene.